Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And Months down the road...

So, I haven't posted in the last few months, once again revolting against the blog. BUT, since some of my closest, most awesome mommy friends post wonderful things, and it will keep me productively off of facebook, if I have another place to post my thoughts and never-ending finds on healthy living, I figure, it's time to DO this! With our coffee roasting company, Sky Island Roasters, really starting to take off, I am finding it harder and harder to keep up with my homely chores!! ahh! But non-the-less, I still can't help myself from also experimenting with my favorite hobbies...of late, are being on this plastic free journey (!!!) And finding more and more homemade stuff to make from scratch! SO far, on my plastic-free journey, I have officially started keeping MOST all of the plastic we collect that I have learned, can NOT be recycled, and therefore, goes into either our landfills, or the ocean, UGH. I have also started keeping ALL bottle caps and am planning on shipping my box to a cap recycling company once it is full (yea!) Because, it is the small plastic that seems to be killing the MOST wildlife right now:[ And the next step in this journey has been to wipe out the plastic wrap I have been using. So far so good! I bought a couple of extra plates from GoodWill, my new favorite shop since Target is pretty much out of my life on a regular basis (another goal reached!). And with those ceramic plates, I put them on all the glass wear I have switched to, to store our food! OK...so now I need to get back to being mommy, clean up some of the significant messes going on in the house right now, and figure out what I will journal/blog about tomorrow!! TTY-later;]