Monday, November 24, 2014

SO why not vaccinate?! Perhaps it's because God says not to....

       After reading a few awesome articles recently posted by doctors, scientists, PHDs and parents doing more and more of their research, since our government and medical agencies refuse to create and do the studies and research FOR us, the people....the tides are starting to change about the validity, and most importantly, the safety of vaccines.

SO, as a Christian, and I am speaking to my Jesus peeps here, not asking anyone else to care unless they are truly curious as to why they need to be concerned about vaccines...why do we parents get a knot in our stomach as soon as our Peds mention giving our child the next round of vaccines?!
Even if you have been convinced they are necessary and safe??
Could it possibly be that God is speaking to you through that still quiet voice of His, that your pastor constantly talks about on Sundays but you constantly wonder what it actually sounds like?

I believe this is EXACTLY it...because God wants to protect His Children...and this is exactly why us mama bears have built in "stress-o-meters" or aka, a direct line from GOD on how to keep our children alive AND healthy while growing them up, under our care.

If you have not read this amazing article that I and my other Christian non-vaccinating mama friends are sooo very excited about, please check it out before reading any more of my words:

The HUGE part of my blog that I want to get across, is the fact that so many of us non-vaxers are called irresponsible parents, abusive for allowing our children the vulnerability to get diseases and just plain un-neighborly because we allow our un-vaccinated children in public. WHY are we so persecuted, and given such a mark of evil in this world, when more and more science continues to pop up proving JUST the opposite...just as antibiotics kill alll the good flora and fauna in the gut and leave the body open for more illness and disease, more and more doctors are finding this same fact about vaccines, that they actually destroy the very immune system that every touts they protect...and while we non-vaxers supposedly spread disease, it is actually those who are vaccinated that "shed" the very diseases they are vaccinated for (doesn't that make more sense? LOL)...I am beginning to feel as if we non- vaxers, who enjoy VERY good health and rarely become ill to the point of actually needing medical intervention AT ALL, are becoming the new generation of "Jews" in a sea of Nazi propaganda...
You may think that is going to far, but here are a few facts about what God says if you are not convinced at all about vaccines being dangerous, not only physically, but spiritually for our walk as well.

Will You see, God calls us to be different from the world...a different that will hurt our being popular...not only different spiritually, materialistically and emotionally, like our churches seem only to preach...but WHOLLY different from the World...and now that I have two very healthy children, and see my friends who do not vaccinate also have very healthy kids, I know one of the HUGE reasons why God calls us to be different in every way possible, because he is protecting US and our children from the harm this world continues to try and inflict on those most innocent.
We already know babies are no longer sacredly protected, as they once were in this nation; what makes parents think that doctors and Pediatricians, who will so easily encourage a pregnant woman to get an abortion on a whim, will also push vaccines for the safety of your children? They are doing what they are told, as many of them have no idea what vaccines actually do for or against the immune system, unless one of their children happens to have a bad reaction (as this spurs MANY doctors onto their own journey of research).

There is not only a spiritual battle waging for our spiritual lives for us and our kids RIGHT now, but a physical one as well.

Does the verse come to mind...that the Lord says "let nothing enter your blood" ring a bell? That we should not partake in or of any modern "sorcery", which by definition from the old Biblical language translates into our English language as "pharmacia"? Coincidence?
NO. There are no coincidences to those of us who WHOLLY believe in the word of GOD being perfect and perfectly translatable to our LIVES.

SO, if you believe the Bible through and through, I strongly urge that you start taking a deeper look into how this world says we need to raise, feed, and medically treat our children. Vaccines are one of the best places to start, because they cause a LOT of issues we are now seeing in our children...the worst being cancer, death and autism (aka brain damage), the lesser are food allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases to name a few of the hundreds of thousands of side effects.

Again, I like to parallel this with a favorite movie phrase..."Take the Red pill and see what really lies on the other side of the reality you think you see before you." I was not a huge fan of the Matrix before this crazy unpopular journey after having my children, but now I am;] AND I truly believe this is what God calls us to do, and I don't think we can reach the next spiritual leap to be closer to God until we take this physical leap from our world, and the battles being waged against our children, and us (especially if your and your children's health is not where you want it to be)...even though, as parents, any battle against our children is far more important than battles against us, because they are our future and our responsibility from the Lord, right?!

Here is another amazing site from a scientist/PHD who was hired by the CDC to "research" immune systems and how vaccines benefit the immune system...well...after alot of her own research she came to realize how harmful vaccines are TO the immune system and how they do the exact opposite of what they say the do...they actually spread disease and create harm to almost every facet of our bodies/lives. Why do you think there has been an explosion of cancer within these past 10 years? Could it be the rise in chemicals, animal DNA and aborted baby cells/DNA they continue to amp up in vaccines??
She now teaches classes and conferences on how to BEST naturally build up the immune system (just as God designed us)

BTW...if we believe in a perfect God, why are we telling Him, His design is flawed, by each and every vaccine and medication we take, instead of seeking His ways first, which are the ways of old, the ways of what the earth gives us to combat every ill known to man??
These things being Herbs, Cleanliness, and past history of those who have come before us and used natural remedies to cure just about everything under the sun!

AND, to finish out my passionate blog on this subject, something I just have come to realize more recently...this is not a new fight/battle for our children, this is not something that has cropped up since the amounts of vaccines have increased since the time we were children (10 vaccines from age 1 month to age 6 in the early '80s) to now our children are subjected to 47 going on 50 within the next year, from age 1 month to 6 years. Hence the huge amount of children, if not ALL children, who are vaccinated, who have some range of autism, asthma and food allergies or auto immune disorders that can also completely destroy a child's personality for the worst!
Thank the Lord He provides healing, STILL,through such methods as food and herbs and other natural elements that we can all seek out through little acknowledged professionals in the field of natro-pathy!
My point being, after reading this history about the Raggedy Ann doll from the early 1900s, I was blown away that there were issues with children dying and parents having their children be vaccinated without consent even then! This is not a new fight...but it's a battle that we all need to stand up for before it gets worse...In my mind, it is already worse since most of today's children are SO VERY ill.
However, vaccines may become mandatory, and nurses across the nation are already facing this and being fired if they refuse the flu much longer do we have before they are doing the same to our children, and to us?
We loose our freedoms if we do not fight for them! So, let's fight and most importantly learn WHY we need to care about the safety concern of vaccines and why the media, government and medical conglomerates are trying to hide this from us, by making us fear diseases our bodies were naturally created to fight! Like the chicken pox!! (BTW, Measles were the chicken pox of our grandparent's funny to hear my grandma talk about how they were not a big deal even back in the 50s, if you were a normal child back then;)

The only conspiracy I am trying to get you to consider, is the conspiracy to raise healthier children for the sake of Glorifying God AND for the sake of having a healthy family:]

Much love everyone, I only speak out on this because God has told me to do so. I know I will be ignored and made fun of...but I do not care...when God speaks, I listen, and doing so has made my children and family so VERY wonderfully healthy, and I can not keep quiet about this, because it is such a blessing, even though I am a very unpopular mama.
Melly Belly