SO yesterday was an interesting day:p We all have days where we face the dreaded constipation monster. Us prego mamas seem to have more issue with it than most, a whole foods diet HAS been keeping me from it generally THIS pregnancy, even with my lack of latte consumption. But it's always a little embarrassing when our kiddos get it. Especially those of us ON a whole foods diet! It's like, "how the heck did that happen?!" Well, poor Leenah, mommy was super prego oblivious and stressed this weekend with daddy doing construction on the bathroom, (which also meant mommy was on FULL-TIME duty, more so than usual) that I didn't notice she had more BREAD than anything else ( I was just happy she had FINALLY passed her, eat-like-a-bird and live-off-air phase) and I didn't realize she wasn't eating the fruit I would give her...until too late:[
Well, the ONLY reason I am blogging about this (beside the fact that most of us know I don't mind talking pee and poop, lol) is because I figured out a fast way to help it pass!
I also hadn't noticed she didn't poo almost all weekend, which, for my once-a-day pooer isn't that strange. SO, come Monday, she kept saying she had to go potty. And when she sat down and actually started crying while pushing, I knew that "Houston, we have a problem". I had to actually help break her free of that one VERY dry poo. Poor girl. I KNEW how much it hurt! Usually, when I was having that problem I just made myself a mocha and popped a few dates, blueberries and most of the time, half way through my lovely latte, I was good to go!
BUT, my poor girl, even though we HAD been playing in espresso earlier that day (HINT, this is ONE of the things I am going to mention for constipated kids that may have helped Leenah a bit more than I realized within the hour!!) A friend laughed at me after posting a pic on FB with Leenah playing in espresso for our "water-color" craft, because she said it probably absorbed into her skin within 26 seconds (like ANYthing we put on our skin!) and though she wasn't bouncing off the walls, it DID take her quite a bit to fall asleep that night!
OK...on with this story. For some reason, while she was crying out in pain on her potty, my first instinct was to put her in the tub and fill it with warm that is what I did! Talk about instant relief! Let her stay in there for 20 minutes, and she acted as if nothing was wrong, thank goodness, and I almost put some Epson salt in too, as another instinct, but since I didn't have a moment to Google THAT, I was just happy she wasn't crying in pain anymore!
got her out of the bath, dried off, and within 15 minutes, she was pushin' out another lovely...well, you know. This time it was softer, thank goodness! And after that, another 15 minutes later, again! After the second, I had a blueberry, banana and coconut water smoothie ready for her, and by the time she finished that, she had yet another good poo. That made me feel better! But here is where I think the earlier "coffee play" came into help more than the smoothie!!
SO, for those of you with a constipated kid, SKIP the over-the-counter drugs and butt pills (I say butt pills because I was traumatized as a kid with this...didn't help at all, as where a warm bath and smoothie and fewer processed foods most likely would have done the trick!), and brew your kiddo some coffee and let them dip their hands in it, make some art on water-color paper or some such thing, and then cut out the processed foods for the day, if you are realllly stressed about their constipation. Stick 'em in a tub and make them a smoothie or two!
NOW, the reason I have FULL faith in the coffee "play" besides the fact that it probably won't impact their behavior if they play with it vs. drink it, which most kids won't drink anyhow, is that a few alternative cancer treatment centers use coffee in enemas to help heal (YES, HEAL) cancer, by clearing and detoxing the colon of all waste with coffee enemas. Honest truth, I'd rather do coffee enemas AND a juice fast ANY day than chemo and radiation! Cheaper too btw!
If you just can't wrap your brain around the fact that there ALREADY is a cure for cancer, then check this out:
BTW...once you realize that most EVERYthing that is marketed to us, is only for the company/government/medical institutes benefit and profit, and not ours, you will come a LONG way in beginning your journey to better health, wellness and frankly, happiness! LOL.
Once we realize that we don't need to buy that movie, or sweater, or box of tissues, or even that over-the-counter drug to make our kids feel better when they are sick (which actually does the opposite for them while they are fighting an illness), it opens our eyes to true living and healing!
Anyhow, I have digressed. Honestly, you can heal cancer on your own by just switching your diet to whole foods, or strictly juicing for a short amount of time, though like giving birth, I would MUCH rather have someone guiding me and helping me through the process:]
SO, stick with coffee play, smoothies and warm baths to cure yourself or kiddos of constipation! And then, if you really don't want it to come back...try staying away from the processed foods that most likely got you or your kiddo there in the first place. Seriously.
Honestly, a cup of tea/coffee and an apple a day and plenty of water to drink, with most diets will most likely keep everyone away from this icky monster!
Hope that is a bit of inspiration for you. I know I'd rather have constipation than see my kiddo go through it!! Just remember, you are what you eat...and if all you eat is carbs and sugar, and our bodies are made up of water and fat (YES fat! the brain NEEDs fat to function) all those carbs are going to soak up the water and plug up almost every decent function our bodies need to process in order to live well.
Take care, and eat WELL:]