Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hard week!

Doesn't it always figure that, we get a week all planned out, get excited that it HAS been planned and that there are things to do, and BAM. Something changes those plans. For me, it has been getting sick this week. So frustrating because it is worse than normal, because my compromised-baby-carrying-immune-system refuses to be strong because it needs to be strong for baby. So, I get to not breath through my nose, and not sleep. Gotta love being sick once mommy-ism hits!! LOL. This is yet another reason I LOVE finding herbal and home remedies, for this very situation. I don't take over-the-counter crap anyhow when I am usually sick, because my immune system doesn't need it, and I get better quicker with just the home remedies. But now that I CAN NOT even consider taking a de-congestant...I'm a little sad, with only 2 hours of sleep last night, and no nap today due to a very stuffy blocked nose. OH well. Such is life. But certain things have made the suffering a tad bit easier. Hydrogen Peroxide in the ears has helped open my nose on those last few occasions where I felt like I was suffocating, lol. And the apple cider vinegar in my orange juice is helping I can tell! What is not helping is our drat frozen weather! I can't step outside right now cause my snaughty nose will freeze to my face before it falls into a tissue! UGH. And that doesn't help with my Vit D intake sun...oh how I miss thee! Oh well...hubs is on a run to the CSA to pick me up the good stuff, honey since I JUST ran out, and have been living off of 2-3 cups of tea a day with honey and my homemade Vit C powder!!
Usually the humidifier with peppermint oil at night works...did the first night, and it got little Leenah through the roughest spots of her cold. BUT it didn't last night, nor did the hot shower:[ GRR this is some heavy crap! BUT, I am still very grateful it will not turn into something more serious. That is the thing/trend I am noticing a LOT right now. Kiddos catching the "croup" left and right, bronchitis, and strep throat. The question is, how are these illnesses getting out of hand for the normal family?
My first theory: over-the-counter and prescription crap/drugs! Fever reducers and cough medicines, etc...these are chemicals and they inhibit the body from actually doing it's job!! Yet another reason to stick with home remedies!! And find mamas who use them as well, so you can banter with each other on ideas, and what does and doesn't work!!
It has been a pretty scary year so far, in terms of flu and colds. We have had a hard time staying away from it ourselves, just due to the fact that everyone else has not been able or thoughtful enough to stay home until they are better. Ugh, what is up with the American pre-occupation of being "stronger than you" and go-to-work or school sick?! Why?! So frustrating! Another reason illnesses get blown farther into danger zone, I guarantee it; people just expect the magic orange pill of Dayquill to save them so that their body doesn't "do" the work, or that they won't have to "feel" the pain.
UGH. Life is pain. The sooner we wrap our tiny brains around that, the healthier our lives will be! Lol.
Ok, done ranting. Just wanted to share a few fun links for ideas to keeping well!
hehe, I just reviewed this list, and was like..DUH, need to try that!! The Euctalptus oil in the humidifer worked much better than the peppermint for me and hubby, FYI!
And the Hydrogen P. drops really helped me get over this cold faster. Poor hubby, it is Saturday
and he is still suffering from his flu, he has been achy for 4 days now! He has finally relented and let me put
drops in his ears today, so perhaps this will kick his system back into gear!
 have fun with this one site too!

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