Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wal-fart, who really needs them?

Yep, harping on Wal-Mart yet again, cause personally, our economy and lack of good jobs for the lower classes and destruction of small businesses since their inception into our society is mainly THEIR fault. Greed, and all the other box stores who have bought into Wal-Mart's sales model, are at fault.
Guess what?
EVERYONE is going to pay soon, if not already, for shopping their 'low prices' and 'china crap'
Honestly, I don't understand why so many people are addicted to Wal-fart.
Seriously, after kicking them to the curb over 3 years ago, I buy less, save more, and focus our family dollars on WAY better food and products.

The only thing I am guilty with, is the fact that I still have and use a Sam's Club account...still trying to break the ties to that lynch mob of a bulk store tied to Wal-mart...I too can not find bulk vinegar, contact solution, and ECOs laundry soap for a better price. But I think I'm gonna have to just take my own advice and buy those 3 things somewhere else, just so we don't have to shop there anymore!!
Only thing I'm proud of is the fact that I don't need to go re-stock these items except for every 6 months...that fact alone has me searching out other places for these items I need, so we can cut the cord of dependence to Sams fo-pa Club, lol.

If I can ditch Wal-fart and Targ-pet, so can you! And if I can ditch Sam's Club this year for better buying options, so can you;]

Cause guess what? the only way we are going to re-establish a better economy and save our country from the economic ruin we are destined for, is by investing our dollars in our own local economies and doing our best to change habits; buying less junk, finding more local options for alllll of our needs!
I can't tell you how awesome it is to need something, search for it on FB or craigslist and get it for a quarter of what I could have bought it new! I may have had to wait 2-3 months or weeks, but who cares, we Americans are also addicted to "FAST and NOW", it's one of the reasons Christmas time is so horrible in this country, we've lost all self control and patience for the most simple things in life!

AND, I'm saving all that extra money to spend on preventative care and health by buying EXCELLENT quality food and making my own cleaning and grooming products, where and when I can!

SO, tell me again why Wal-Mart is a must have in your household? Give me a serious reason, and I'll give you an even more dire reason to STOP.
Did you know those grumpy and un-helpful employees of Wal-Mart (even Target is guilty) that aren't helping you with ANYthing, is due to the fact that they are considered full time employees at 28 hours?! And at minimum wage, on top of that, their own employer says, "we can't afford your health care, so go apply for medicaid". WHICH, btw, we are allll being forced to pay more for each year, as there are no more government funds to pay for this, except for those of us that are blessed with decent and good paying jobs!

PEOPLE. please Listen, The ONLY way we are going to change ANYthing in this country, is person by person, and you can start by how you spend YOUR ONE dollar, your grocery money, your clothing money, your furniture money, and yes, even your entertainment money.
The possibilities for saving money other than going strait to Wal-hell, has never been better!!
AND, if you are trying to pay off debt, you REALLY need to consider learning how to become a Do-It-Yourself-er
If you are raising kids, you realllly need to learn how to thrift shop, make toys, WITH them even, and make sure the toys you DO have aren't increasing the toxic load of you household (did you know families with autistic kids, take all the plastic toys away, along with a diet change, and end up changing their autistic child to a highly functioning practically normal child, in every wonderful sense of the word?!)
SO, that could also explain your kids random bouts of ADHD...plastic is sooo toxic!
And Wal-fart is notorious for plastic...know where that plastic goes after you are done with it? China, India...yep, those poor kids and families over there get to pick through our plastic crap and try to make some use of it...all while burning the bad stuff and getting sick for the fumes.
Cause really, who is going to throw a wooden toy away? when it breaks you can FIX it, when you are done with it, it either becomes a family heirloom for the next kids or it is passed on to friends, or sold. Have you seen a wooden toy sold on facebook? The things are practically rioted for, and for good prices. The plastic toys? Those can't even be given away for free...they are ugly, annoying, usually require batteries, and leech bpa and other many toxins directly into the skin when touched.  Plastic is made to be disposable.
Don't get me wrong, plastic has a wonderful place, it has just been OVERkilled...now that we can not possibly get away from it without appearing like a crazy hippie who only wants to touch trees and lick bees.
Honestly though, plastic is the new addiction in our day and age, that should be seriously sifted through in each of our homes and passed on for items of old, or just for the purpose of having less, because less is soooo much more, especially if you are raising kids!
Think Barbie for a moment, a fine and PERFECT example of the generation we live in and are teaching our kids to be a part of, the Barbie Song for example: "I'm a Barbie girl, In a Barbie world, life in plastic is fantastic" Do we really want our girls, especially, growing up to be Barbies? Expecting mom and dad to pay for everything, including the spending habits we are teaching them, through our own ways in our households?
Just think, every dollar that you spend, not only at Wal-fart, but at the dollar stores, Target, and yes, even Babies to Kids, goes to China...and I'm not even talking about the people of China, we are talking, the GOVERNMENT of China...who suppresses and kills their own female citizens.
SO, why aren't we all focusing on keeping our dollars here, with us...and buying better quality items, better food, and creating better jobs...and for goodness sake, if we can't find it American made (which has been or problem lately trying to keep ALL of our dollars here in the USA), then MAKE it! Saving time in this country has been our "excuse". NO MORE friends, no more.
Because of these shopping habits, all those time savers in our life has flipped us upside down and sucked that same time away from us.
I don't know how else to get everyone to seriously consider a STOP to shopping the big box stores...cause the dollars are only paying the rich CEOs, encouraging them to stay greedy and richer...while making our world a more crummy place with more poverty stricken individuals who can not pay for even taking their kids to the doctor when a serious illness hits because they can't afford (or led to believe) they can't afford good food.
REALLY, do we want this?
You decide, with your dollar. Want tips on how to start getting out of the habit and enjoy the fact that YOU TO could skip the mayhem and craziness of Wal-fart by never placing a foot in their store again?
Check out Pinterest, craigslist, facebook selling groups. Go to Thrift Stores, go to Etsy with all those dollars saved and support AMERICAN artists and crafty stay at home moms!!!!
I will always give tips and tricks that we have learned...the learning never stops! And when you learn, you grow and thrive!
 Another reason I DETEST Wal-fart...cause they make things so easy for everyone, that once you are fully dependent on their "cheap" prices and china crap, you mine as well just hand your entire paycheck over to them, cause you are also handing them your health and life!
Why do you think the majority of Walmartians are overweight and sick and riding in those annoying little wheelchairs that move erratically on their own??? Because their products are toxic. I Guarantee, the week and months following the end of Wal-Mart in your house hold, you will see a positive change in your life...can you handle that?
Whether that be loosing weight, gaining energy from unknown sources (like the sun), depression quickly leaving your brain, and the foggy-ness for over-processed food, also breaking you into a real knowledge of what Wal-Mart stands for: The destruction of the human race, one American zombie human at a time.
Think I'm crazy?
Have Netflix? Go check out "Store Wars" and my new favorite about New Orleans in recovery mode "Independent America"
Then come back and tell me what you have learned. (did I just dish out homework?! Yessss:)
Ready for the change of your life time, and possibly a way EACH of us can be a part of changing our nation and OUR individual economy for the better, via health and shopping?
Choose to start your journey, Wal-fart free, then later Tarpet free, and then eventually Sam's Club free;]...especially if you are already a huge DIYer...I think it is time to break away from the addiction of Wal-mart for good. I'm on board, gonna cancel that addiction, I mean membership today!!!
You will see more of your dollars!!! I'm on board, are you?
Signing off--

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